Miss Wiebe and I were honored to be part of a conference call this week with the CEO of the Handouts App. I have blogged about using the app before, here are more specifics:
What is Handouts?
A Learning Management System (LMS) for your classroom that does all of the following:
1. Teachers set up a class.
2. Teachers distribute work to students electronically.
3. Students complete work electronically by annotating directly on the document.
4. Students turn-in work to teachers.
5. Teachers grade the work electronically.
Here are a few reasons why we love this app:
1. VERY easy to use for the teacher!
2. VERY easy to use for students...a much easier version of Notability, GREAT for younger students.
3. All in one app...distribute, students complete and turn in, teachers grade.
4. Can log-in using their student school gmail accounts which we love! Not another login to remember.
5. Can filter assignments based on student, assignment, etc.
6. Free for a year/low-cost.
7. Their customer service is amazing...I can call and speak to someone as well as email and get a quick reply if we are having issues.
8. They listen to their users....US, the teachers! They are continuing to update and improve the app!
If you are interested in setting up Handouts for your students with iPads, talk to me! It can save you a ton of time and help you organize your electronic classroom!