
Twitter Organization

I have spoken about it before and I'm going to say it again...if you aren't on Twitter, you are missing out on some really good professional development for teachers!  Twitter is a fabulous network of educators with opportunities and answers right at your fingertips!
Thought about getting started but don't know how?

Here is a link to a really good article on helping teachers get started on Twitter!

Already on Twitter but feel overwhelmed?
I LOVE TweetDeck.
It helps my sequential brain make sense of a sometimes unorganized Twitter.
It creates columns in which I can organize my "Message" column, my "Notifications" column, but what I love most is I can put in a hashtag such as #miamidevice (a tech conference held a couple of weeks ago with great resources) and anytime somebody mentions it, it streams into that column.  You can organize a column for work, a column for personal, etc.

Another good Twitter resource I love is MagicRecs.  Just follow them on Twitter and it will notify you (by your choice of email, etc.) of tweets that pertain to you.  It lets me know when someone has followed me, or when a tweet has been favorited by several people in my network.  

It is also fun to Tweet about projects you are doing and "Mention" the company/app, etc.  A lot of times they respond and give a shout out!

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